Wednesday, August 15, 2007

No Name 5238004168 147.

T+h_i s g_e.m is r_eally mova'bl*e!!

T+h+i+s o_n'e is re*ally p,rofitable!_!!

H+a.v-e y,o u b_e-e*n wa'tchi-ng t h i,s f_o r t*h'e l-a's t w.e e.k.?

T_a,k*e a l+o+o+k at it:
r_ecent n+e.w+s rele_'ases s+e_n t ge 'nerating gr_owing i_+nterest in C Y.T_V

Company*_: C*HINA YOU.TV C'O+R.P (_O*T'C B+B:CYTV'.OB)

S t o c k: C Y+T_V

Curren_t P*rice: $.._4+9

4+t h St d a*y*s we h+a+v,e s.e e,n t h i s c'limb. ('S-e,e Yah-oo Cha r*t-New N,e+w*s rele-ase)

T h-i's o*n.e h*a_s h a*d n i_c_e r eturns f+o r inv,e+stors o.v-e_r t*h e su'mmer, and
n.o+w sho-ws pr-omise to b*egin a sec'ond w a-v-e of ret'urns.

K_e e+p a e.y*e o_u*t a+gain on Wed,nes day A_u,g 15.-...

Strange'.ly enou gh a l,l t*h'e w.omen u_nder+stood h_e.r at o-nce, e v,e*n thos+e w-h_o k n_e*w n+o,t a w o.r d of Fren+ch.

P_erhaps s+h e shou*ld s.t o'p a+fter a_l+l a*n_d o*p'e_n t+h,e par cel h+e.r'e .
M_o*s.t of t.h+e_m a'r-e v e.r.y ex*pensiv-e.
Y.o'u c.a.n m*odify t+h_i s f,i+l e to m-a*k_e t_h*e f_o_r-m fiel+ds lar*ger or sm aller.
Window-s XP w*i-l_l operat'e withou,t a connec',tion to t,h+e in terne*t.

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