Tuesday, August 14, 2007

InkStart Client starts color ink drawing to the drawing surface.

T_h i.s Tues.day i*t s CYTV-!!!

G e,t on C-Y*T-V Fi.rst Thin+g on TUESD'A-Y, i't*' s goin+g to exp-load!
Compan.*y: C'HINA YO'UTV C*O*R,P (*O,T_C BB:C,YTV.O_B)

S ymbol: C.Y+T'V

Curre'nt Pric e: $*0.._4 6

Mond*ay Move': (.U*p O+ve r(12.20%)

T+h e pric_e is at a mi.nimum it w i-l-l b*o'o,m on Tues+day!

Recommendat_ion-: "STRON_G-BU,Y" sta*rti+ng on Tuesday ', AUG+UST 1_4., 2'0*0+6..

B.reaki+ng N,e w s-:


Chin_a Yo'uTV's CnB'oo W'e.b S-i't.e Ran+ks N'o+.+1 on Micro,s oft L i v e Sear.ch E*ngine

Aggre.si've Trader.s
G*e_t in early+, t-h.i.s o+n'e c a+n f l-i p h.i+g-h re.turns f-a s_t_.

I f.e,l.t t,h*a*t I h a.d to b,a.t a l+o+n,g o.n_e-, b,u_t I cou-ld,n't r'u,n .

Inj ect ed i n't+o a disea+,sed ins-tituti.on, t.h e i'ntoleran-t indiv,id+ual h_a*s a t.onic effec*t a n+d m_a,y ca.use t+h_e o'rgani-sm to t'u*r*n agains.t t'h-e o*ri,ginal sour ce of infec+t_ion.
C*S_A*R at t h e Uni.versit+y of M*ancheste,r Ma.nche-ster UK 2*0,0.0 Aca._demic 8.1,2 9.7-4_.

In itia-lizes a n e*w insta+'nce of t h'e clas s w,i,t,h t*h*e spe'ci fied schem_e a_n,d h_o*s't .

In'sert t_h.e appl.et in an H T'M_L p-a+g_e .

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